Silky-Smooth Hair, Straight from the Experts. Advice your Customers.

Smooth hair is the hallmark of a seasoned stylist. Your clients trust you to provide expert advice and techniques to achieve that enviable, silky-smooth hair. In this article, we'll delve into some key insights and tips from industry experts to help you help your clients achieve their hair goals.

  1. Sleep on a Silk Pillowcase: Silky, smooth hair begins with a good night's sleep – literally. The key to achieving that soft and shiny look is ensuring that the hair cuticle lies flat. When the cuticle is raised, it can lead to frizz and dryness, making the hair look dull and brittle. To prevent this, investing in a silk pillowcase can work wonders. It reduces friction, minimizing the risk of frizz and breakage as your clients toss and turn throughout the night.

  2. Avoid Drying Ingredients and Products: Different hair types have different needs, and it's crucial to choose products wisely to prevent dryness. Recommending gentle hair care products while steering clear of ingredients known to be drying, such as sulfates and harsh alcohols, can help retain moisture in the hair, resulting in a smoother and softer texture. Also, remind your clients to be cautious with styling products like hairspray, which can dehydrate strands. Recommend lightweight, vitamin C-enriched leave-in conditioners to replenish moisture and smooth dry hair.

  3. Reassess Your Wash Day: From the quality of the water they use to the shampoo they choose, there are multiple opportunities for your clients to enhance hair softness during their showers. Water quality, UV exposure, heat damage, and even humidity in the air can all affect hair texture, but the key to achieving a smooth finish is to seal and smooth the hair cuticle in the shower. Recommend shampoos and conditioners with hydrating ingredients to your clients, helping them maintain soft, supple hair.

  4. Try a Deep Conditioning Treatment: To attain smooth, soft hair, controlling frizz is essential, particularly for those with frizz-prone, dry hair. Look for products that lock in moisture and control frizz over time. Suggest that your clients incorporate consistent deep conditioning treatments, moisturizing, and hair oiling into their routine. A weekly restorative deep-conditioning treatment can work wonders for achieving softer, smoother hair.

  5. Use a Microfiber Towel: While the conditioner used in the shower plays a crucial role in smoothing the hair, your clients might be working against it with their drying technique. Advise them to avoid rough drying with traditional cotton towels, which can disrupt the hair cuticle. Instead, recommend gently blotting excess moisture with a microfiber towel. These towels absorb water without contributing to frizz or breakage.

  6. Avoid Excessive Heat Styling: Silky-soft hair is synonymous with well-hydrated hair and a healthy cuticle. Heat styling tools can dry out hair while disrupting the cuticle, leaving it feeling rough and brittle. It's crucial to advise your clients to reduce their use of heat styling whenever possible. However, it's important to emphasize that it doesn't mean eliminating heat styling altogether. Proper preparation and heat protection products are essential to minimize damage. Heat styling, when done correctly, can even help seal the cuticle.

  7. Use a Heat Protectant: When your clients must use heat styling tools, make sure they understand the importance of heat protectant. Dispelling the misconception that air drying is automatically less frizz-inducing, you should stress that heat drying can close and smooth the cuticle if used with the appropriate protection. Recommend products that help smooth strands while offering heat protection.