Trionics developers prep, protect and preserve color to maintain that salon-gorgeous look and shine.
Gone are the days of unsightly breakage and unwanted hair damage caused when regular peroxide developers swell the cuticle until it bursts. Trionics developers apply far less pressure when under the cuticle layer, resulting in healthier hair and superior results. Miracles do happen!
Shop Our Professional Hair Developer Collection
Healthier hair: ingredients derived from sea kelp create an advanced alternative to regular, damaging peroxide
These ammonia-free formulas nourish, heal and protect the hair and scalp, leaving hair manageable, soft, shiny and luxuriously beautiful.
Faster processing: enzymes naturally accelerate chemical reactions
Do color treatments in half the time without the usual damage.
Process 2-3 clients in the time it currently takes to do one and watch your business grow.
Superior results: enzymes help to penetrate more deeply into the cortex to deposit color or remove pigment when lightening.
Color is truer and lasts longer than you ever thought possible.
Reds are brighter, browns are richer, and blondes are more vibrant.
Eliminates brassy tones: violet-based, cream-based, high-lift developers drab out brass
Lighten to levels previously unimaginable, on scalp and off, safely.
Get cooler tonal values and gorgeous high lift color—perfect for sunkissed highlights and on-trend techniques such as balayage and ombre.
Works on every client’s hair
Universal—works with all manufacturers' color lines and lighteners.
Replace your current developer with one of the Trionics developers.
Mix and apply in the same ratios, so there's nothing new to learn.
With heat, clients process in half the time. Without heat, benefits remain but clients process at normal speed with body heat.
On the backs of the bottles are directions when used with a warm dryer but any heat source do, although processing times will vary. Also, this represents max time under heat, but not total processing time. Process longer as needed out from under heat, checking periodically.
Tested and used by thousands of colorists for nearly 30 years.
Asian, African-American, Hispanic, Caucasian, previously treated and virgin hair—with beautiful results every time.
En lo profundo de los océanos del planeta vive un vibrante ecosistema marino: algas marinas y algas que secretan enzimas naturales ricas en minerales y antioxidantes. Cuando se aíslan en la combinación correcta, infunden salud, fuerza y vitalidad al cabello.
Nuestra misión siempre ha sido crear formulaciones que sean suaves y eficaz, eliminando los productos químicos agresivos siempre que sea posible e introduciendo elementos naturales que preservan la integridad del cabello y el cuero cabelludo.
Durante casi 30 años, Trionics ha brindado servicios a los salones con reveladores a base de enzimas, trayendo el procesamiento del color a la era moderna con mucho menos daño: una forma más suave, segura y alternativa más rápida a los productos de peróxido ordinarios.
Estas enzimas aceleran de forma natural las reacciones químicas, lo que permite a los salones realizar tratamientos de color en la mitad del tiempo. Nutren, curan y protegen el cuero cabelludo y el cabello, dejándolo manejable, suave, brillante y lujosamente hermoso.
Sin colorantes, sulfatos, parabenos, 1,4-dioxano, ftalatos, gluten, neurotoxinas, compuestos de aluminio, donantes de formaldehído, propilenglicol, DEA y carcinógenos. Descubra todo lo que Trionics tiene para ofrecer: la esencia de la belleza moderna y un cabello saludable.