Resistant - Versatage pH 9.5
• The only waves on the market that rejoin all three bonds simultaneously by way of our patented Triple Bonding Neutralizer.
• Our waves guarantee uniform, controlled curl pattern that mimic naturally curly or wavy hair while sealing and smoothing the cuticle, leaving hair shiny and in excellent condition.
• Easy maintenance starts with the first day. Shampoo immediately!
• Our systems approach allows you to choose the right wave and technique for every client, no matter hair type or condition.
Shop Our Salon Perm Products Collection
Alkaline pH 9.5
Features and Benefits:
• Processes at room temperature
• Stop action to prevent over processing
• Promises ultimate bounce, fullness and strength, while leaving hair in superb condition
• Strong, lasting curl pattern
• Maximum volume
• Hair is left in superb condition
Econo Bulk
12 pack
• 12 - Waving Lotion 3.75 oz.
• 3 - Neutralizer 16 oz.
• 12 - Waving caps
• 1 - Directions folder
• The only waves on the market that rejoin all three bonds simultaneously by way of our patented Triple Bonding Neutralizer.
• Our waves guarantee uniform, controlled curl pattern that mimic naturally curly or wavy hair while sealing and smoothing the cuticle, leaving hair shiny and in excellent condition.
• Easy maintenance starts with the first day. Shampoo immediately!
• Our systems approach allows you to choose the right wave and technique for every client, no matter hair type or condition.
Alkaline pH 9.5
Features and Benefits:
• Processes at room temperature
• Stop action to prevent over processing
• Promises ultimate bounce, fullness and strength, while leaving hair in superb condition
• Strong, lasting curl pattern
• Maximum volume
• Hair is left in superb condition
Resistente - Versatage pH 9.5
El cabello fino y resistente necesita la fuerza de una permanente alcalina con la protección de Dithio stop action para eliminar el miedo al exceso de procesamiento. Espere un patrón de rizo fuerte y duradero que tenga el máximo volumen y una excelente condición.
- Para cabellos resistentes (normales y finos) y normales.
- No se recomienda para cabellos teñidos, frágiles, con mechas o con doble procesamiento.
- Las técnicas que funcionan bien con esta permanente incluyen envolturas convencionales, en espiral, con rodillo, para raíces y especiales.
Directrices de procesamiento:
Procesos Versatage a temperatura ambiente.
Comience los rizos de prueba a los 15 minutos. El tiempo promedio es de 20-25 minutos.