Blow-Dry Directional Techniques for Powerful Bobs

Directional Blow-Dry Technique for Volumized Bobs

Understanding the importance of proper Styling can be difficult for clients, especially when they just got a new haircut! One of the challenges for our first-time bob clients is knowing how to properly style; so, keep them coming back to your chair by giving them knowledge they didn’t expect in the first place.

Educate your customers with these three blow-dry directional techniques:

1. Cocktail your products for the perfect prep
Before picking up a hot tool, makes sure to prep your client with a cocktail of products. Tips? Our Brocato Styling Foam mixed with our  Scruples Smoothing Serum for soft, touchable movement. Emulsify in your hands and work into the hair.

Pro Tip: Instruct your clients to add a little extra mousse directly to the scalp to provide extra volume and help support the style.

2. Section to create a roadmap for the blowout
Make sure that you  can see the beautiful, hard lines of the bob shape.

Create a horseshoe section at the parietal ridge and clip the hair aside before starting a rough blow-dry. Then polish each section after the rough-dry to give it that sleek finish

Pro Tip: Make sure you are using professional tools for the job, the best stylist often fail when choosing the right tools, our highly curated collection of dryers will have you working at the top of your game. Visit Our Professional Dryer Collection.


3. Use a directional blow-dry technique: here’s how!
The with any directional blow-dry is to get that hair to lay nicely and to have nice movement as well. Use the shape of the head to create what you want.

Step 1: Rough-dry the hair to remove excess moisture.
Step 2: Hold the brush to the scalp as you follow it with your concentrator, using the shape of the head as a guide. This will create a smooth, polished finish.
Step 3: Continue working throughout the head.