Vision, Mission Statement
Vision, Mission and Statement
Our mission is to provide the salon professional with new, exciting and innovative opportunities to become more successful and prosper in all they wish to do. We strive to help our clients be the best that they can be by offering them the highest degree of respect, professionalism and integrity.
Ocean Salon Systems was founded in 1977 with the primary goal of building a distribution company within the professional beauty industry that went far beyond simply representing products and shipping boxes.
Our goal has, and will always be to build long lasting relationships with our customers by offering them the highest level of care and service in a singularly individual fashion. In a time when consolidations and acquisitions have created mega distributors and by default made some salon professionals feel like just a number, Ocean strives to move in a completely opposite direction. We seek to make a friend before we make a sale, and we address our friends by name not number.

We wish to build a community of like minded salon professionals and manufacturers that share a similar passion for mutual success and growth. Ocean Salon Systems has aligned itself with world class manufacturers whose philosophies have a focus that transcends the products they create. The manufacturers we represent offer some of the world's best products, education and professional growth programs.

Our Goal
Our goal is not to be the biggest but it is to be the best at everything we do. We understand that today's salon professional wants, and needs, the biggest and most in-depth resources available, yet they would prefer to have them offered in boutique style environment.
Ocean Salon Systems has an exceptional group of employees that believe in our mission. Everyone, from our warehouse selectors to sales consultants believe passionately in doing whatever it takes to help our clients grow and succeed.