Hair Color Thickener (HLT) thickens hair color & lighteners to give you more versatility & control of your color services. It will not alter product processing or performance guaranteeing great results. This unique non-drip formula can also be used with or without heat! Its non-drip formula keeps the color/lightener exactly where you put it. Applications are easier & more precise.
Guaranteed to thicken any manufacturer’s color/lighteners
Use with or without heat
Great for foil services close to the scalp
2 oz size
- Thickens hair color and lighteners
- Non-drip formula with or without bw heat
- Guaranteed results
- can be used With The color Accelerator (TCA) and all Other POWERTOOLS products
Stylist Case Studies
Roger would be upset if he used Iow heat with any of his color services that caused the color or lightener to run down the clients face. Instead, Roger used Hair Color n' Lightener Thickener (HLT) drops to prevent that from happening. Problem Solved!
Janet liked her foils as close to the scalp as possible. Sometimes the color/lightener would bleed through the top of the foil as it processed. HLT in the formula thickens it, no color bleeds. Problem Solved!
PROFITABLE TIP: Any time you can make a service more comfortable for a client you have gained a point of difference over your competition. Educate your clients about the different services and why you use the different products on them to support the service.
DISPENSING INSTRUCTIONS: Put 20 drops for short hair (23 - medium and 25 - long) of HLT in your developer before mixing. Mix the HLT thoroughly and allow to stand for 30 seconds to thicken up formula. Apply and process as usual.