Instructions Power Blonde Toner
- Pre-lighten with preferred POWER BLONDE lightening product to desired level.
- Mix 1 oz POWER BLONDE Conditioning Gel Toner (natural or fashion shades) with 1 oz PURE OXI 10 Volume Creme Developer.
- To sheer out toner for a more translucent appearance, mixing ratio can be either 1 : 1½ or 1 : 2 toner shade to developer.
- Shades can be intermixed. When mixing fashion shades with neutralizing shade bases, the fashion shade bases will appear stronger in your final result.
- For deeper deposit, toners can be mixed in a 1 : 1 ratio with PURE OXI Demi-Permanent Creme Developer
- Using a bottle or bowl and brush, apply product to pre-lightened, washed and towel-dried hair. Apply only to sections of hair that need toning.
- Process for 20–30 minutes at room temperature. Processing for the complete 30 minutes will result in deeper deposit of tone.
- Shampoo with preferred Scruples shampoo. Apply Scruples NO H2O2 No Peroxide, leave on 3–5 minutes and rinse. Condition with preferred Scruples conditioner.