Color Shade Lifter (CSL), is an ammonia and bleach free unique formula, that removes and lifts 1-3 shades (not levels) of artificial color from hair. Hair is left feeling soft, in great condition and ready to recolor if desired. For best results always do a strand test.
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Lightens on tone.
Excellent for brightening muddy ends on redheads.
Takes out off tone deposit spots occurring due to porosity.
To remove levels of artificial color, use Color Out System (COS).
Shampoo hair lightly/towel dry well.
Mix equal parts Color Shade Lifter and 30 volume cream developer (with or without heat). CSL can be used with 40 volume cream developer without heat. If needed add more cream developer to achieve a pasty texture that works best for you.
Apply using tint bottle or brush for better control. Work into trouble spots in hair or whole heads, darkest areas first.
Process as needed up to 30 minutes and test for lift desired. Use low heat dryer and plastic cap for maximum lift in minimal time.
DO NOT use heat with 40 volume peroxide. If desired lift is not achieved, you can reapply. Shampoo, rinse, and condition.
Stylist Case Studies
Rita works with a Iot of clients that have natural black hair. As they turn gray and she colors them with level 1 and 2 colors, the ends tend to take a darker hue. Working with POWERTOOLS Color Shade Lifter (CSL), mix with 30v developer, massage into the ends. CSL Will even the color out. Happy client, happy Rita!
Gabs has been doing Judy's medium length, natural level 6 brown hair for years. Judy has decided to go red. After applying a 7 level in the red family to Judy's hair, her ends muddied out. Using equal parts of CSL with 20 volume developer and working it into a paste, Gabs applied it to the muddy ends and worked it in. Within 30 minutes the ends were lifted to match the rest of the hair and were in great condition. PROFITABLE TIP: CSL does exactly what its directions say; it removes up to 3 shades (not levels) of color while leaving the hair in great condition.
DISPENSING INSTRUCTIONS: Shampoo hair lightly, towel dry. Mix equal amounts of CSL and 30 volume peroxide. If needed, add more peroxide to achieve a pasty texture that works best for you. Apply using a tint bottle or a brush for better control. Work into trouble spots in hair or on whole head, darkest area first. Process as needed for up to 30 minutes and test for desired lift. You can use a LOW heat dryer and plastic cap for maximum lift in a minimal amount of time. If the desired Iift is not achieved, reapply. Shampoo, rinse, and condition.